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About Us

West Country Wiltshire Sheep are based at Tauhoa in the countryside to the west of Kaipara Flats, an hour north of Auckland.

Greg & Kaye Collis along with their two school age children (Grady & Lottie) farm Wiltshire Sheep & beef cattle on 250 hectares of summer dry hill country overlooking the Kaipara Harbour. Manuka Honey is also harvested on the property.

Our farming operation is complimented by another two lease blocks locally situated on the Western edge of the Kaipara Harbour.

West Country Wiltshire Sheep

We have been commercially breeding Polled Wiltshire Sheep since 2004 & currently farm a flock of approximately 600 Wiltshire ewes.


Since 2020 we have been registered as an official SIL flock & are undertaking detailed performance recording & DNA profiling.   This will further enhance & build upon the success we have achieved after nearly 20 years work in establishing the many outstanding attributes of the West Country Wiltshire sheep flock.

Our West Country Wiltshire Sheep operate on an easy care basis & no sheep are ever shorn.

Our ewes consistently scan at 160% - 180% (with very few triplets) & lamb unassisted during July & August each year. All replacement ewes are lambed as hoggets.

We breed for early shedding, short wool length, hardiness, good conformation, excellent feet, ewe longevity & the ability to thrive in a commercial farming environment.

Our original genetics include bloodlines from many of the major breeders in both the North & South Islands of NZ.

About Wiltshire Sheep

* Originally a horned breed from the West Country of England

* Polled variety introduced to NZ in 1970s

* Easy care

* Shed/moult their wool each spring - no shearing, no dagging, no flystrike

* Perfect breed for lifestyle blocks & commercial farming

* Highly fertile & fecund breed

* Lean, succulent tasty meat

Home: Products

Sheep for Sale


Ewe Lambs

Available from Nov. each year. (Subject to availability).

$345 + gst ($396-75)




Ram Lambs

Available from Nov. each year.

(Subject to availability).

from $430 + gst ($494-50)


2th Rams

(Subject to availability).


from $700 = gst ($805)


Wether Lambs

Available from Nov. Ideal lawnmowers & great eating.


Subject to market pricing



May be available on request. Contact us for details.

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Contact West Country Wiltshire Sheep

Please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Thanks for submitting!


Greg & Kaye Collis,
West Country Wiltshire Sheep,
304 Dyer Road, Tauhoa,
RD4 Warkworth. 0984.



09 422 5759

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